Eng. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Shuja

Vice President (Research & Enterprise),
Founding Executive Director ,
Centre for Advanced Electronics & Photovoltaic Engineering (CAEPE),
International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Short Bio: Dr. Shuja is the Member Board of Governors of various universities in Pakistan as well as Life-time Member of Pakistan Engineering Council. His research group studies the engineering of circuits, devices & systems for next-generation electronics /optoelectronics, sensing, energy and photonics applications with cross-disciplinary convergence. Dr. Shuja has led tangible projects developing both physical and academic infrastructures, facilities, departments, faculty, Centres etc. covering the financial, strategic, and planning aspects. With a track record of winning several competitive projects funded both on national and international level.

Keynote Topic:  Integrated Energy Systems: From Materials to Technology

An overview of the technologies will be provided in this talk focusing on the very concepts of energy collection, energy storage and energy transfer in light and charge driven materials, devices and circuits for versatile integrated energy systems. The verticals of the energy hybrids will be revisited in order to evaluate their current status, research outcomes for their usage in next-generation applications and their level of readiness for possible exploitation in industry. The verticals of energy hybrids would include, but not limited to, next generation solar cells, future batteries, energy harvesters, supercapacitors and electrochromic devices. Some of the latest and promising research conducted in the Centre for Advanced Electronics & Photovoltaic Engineering, on this account, will also be shared.